Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Re-Organizing and Re-Settling

Brandy and I got to talking. The girls are really rambunctious so we thought changing the way we do meetings might help us keep their focus longer. So tonight we started with snack first and then moved to the Daisy Circle and got our meeting underway. It seemed to help.

And we are going to need it! The girls are really getting comfortable with each other and the chatter is getting loud with all their voices all at once!

Ours are all getting really comfortable with each other which is awesome since we have added the new girls in. They really aren't "new girls" anymore-and after our investiture next week they will simply be just Daisies!

So this meeting we talked a little about camping and the skills needed. We also talked about harvest and how apples are harvested in the fall. Rebecca walked the girls though a craft and hopefully they will all want to plant apple seeds soon and grow an apple tree of their own! Apples usually start forming around year 2, they are not really sweet until year 5.

Then we talked about investiture briefly.

Investiture, what is it? It't the official welcome to Girl Scouts. It's a way of promising to live by the Girl Scout Law by reciting the Girl Scout Promise and dedicating yourself to doing good.

And along with Investiture, it is custom to have a Re-Dedication Ceremony, where current Girl Scouts re-dedicate themselves to doing good, at home, at scouts, in school and in the community.

So we will invest the girls and re-dedicate on Tuesday (our six new girls will get their tunics then). And we will start our next Journey, 3 Cheers for Animals.

Alma will bring snack and we will have a blast! Pictures to follow and I will get them up that night!!! Cross my fingers at least!

See you all Tuesday!
♥♥ Julie

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Wow, just wow. What happens when 10,000 girls take over the Los Angeles Convention Center? A whole lot of giggling!

And Gloria and I ready to collapse! We again volunteered our time (what *IS* wrong with us anyway??) and were exhausted by 11 am! Girls arrived at Girltopia, an expo for the sake of being a girl around 9 am and started filling the halls. Presented by Toyota, sponsored by Wells Fargo and Mattel Girltopia was an overall success.

Girls learned about cookies and how to be better entrepreneurs, about careers in fashion, medicine, science, arts, and literature.

There were performances and our girls were asked to help lead the closing ceremonies. Yeah,Troop 925 Rocks. Way to go Sophie Kim, little Sophie represented our whole troop dancing the Ignite dance!

Seems like everyone had a blast.
Until next time,
♥♥ Julie

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So our second meeting is in the books. It was much better than our first!

We have our room back, which is a huge relief not only to me but to all of the leaders of Troop 925 that use the room.

The girls learned knots tonight, overhand or stopper knot or shoe lace knots-which ever you want to call them and square knots. Lets just say that they need a bit more work ;)

For any of you that want to work with the girls to help them improve, a square knot is made by taking two ends of rope one in each hand, and tying two overhand knots in the rope as follows:
right over left and through from behind, left over right and through from behind.
Here is an example, only they did it in reverse (left over right, right over left).
This really took almost the whole meeting, the girls really struggled, we will keep practicing!

See you all in two Tuesdays!
♥♥ Julie

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Daisy Art Day

So its a weekend and I get to play with my Daisies! Yea!

I have so much fun with the kids, and today was no exception. We had Lauren, Simone, Ivey, and Zoey all come to Daisy Art Day!

What was Daisy Art Day? It was this really cool "Badge Workshop" hosted by the Cadettes and Seniors of troop 12631. The girls earned most of their "Between Earth and Sky" Journey Badge Set by learning a new song, doing art projects, and overall having a really nice afternoon.

All they need to do now is finish their journey books and bring them to me and I will get the badges for them.

I cant wait for the next one!

♥♥ Julie

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Meeting as 1st Grade Daisies!

16 girls. What was I thinking? Whew, we made it through! Chaos is always expected at the first meeting but once we got the room situation handled, the meeting went really well. Ok, ok, I make it sound so bad but really I LOVE it!!

Brandy, remind me to neeeeverrrr have **coffee** before a meeting again!

Tonight we got to meet all of our new girls, and got to see the girls that all go to different schools. Can I just say that half of the girls I hardly recognized?!? I mean, they look the same but oh my! have they grown up so much! My super shy Havana?? She talked my ear off and Anna wanted nothing to do with mom anymore! What happened to these girls? I love it! I love seeing them grow and get stronger as little independent people!

After hellos we discussed Respecting Authority and what that really means. The girls really got it. And then we voted on visiting a fire station or a police department. MUCH to the disappointment of the all of the moms in the room, the girls picked the police station. :( We will have fun, lots of it, but darn!

Next scheduled meeting will have to be moved due to Beethoven's Back to School Night. Bummer, but we will be starting the next Journey when we get back.

I am super grateful for having Brandy. She is a life saver! And I am super grateful for the new moms that want to help with the girls, without them I couldn't take on these kids and they would not be able to be with us, so thank you a million times over!

So until next time, I need to not be such a slacker, get all of my paperwork done for you (I know I promised a few of you to let you know how much you owe the troop, and a few of you a break down of costs-I promise to do it by the weekend), make my snack chart, and go get the rest of the Journey Books!

Thanks Brandy for offering to bring Snack next time and thank you Valerie for jumping in and rescuing me with it today!

Hugs and Junk,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome Back FIRST GRADE Daisies!!!

I am getting so excited for the start of the year!

Welcome to our new Daisies and Daisy Families. Your girls are in for a whole lot of fun.

Brandy and I have been pretty busy getting everything ready and we can not wait to see you September 13th at 4:45pm in the Parent Center at Beethoven Elementary. We expect to have a full year with Girl Scouts releasing plenty of fresh material for Daisies to work on.

We are looking for parents that want to help, if you are interested please email me asap and let me know your availability.

See you soon!
♥♥ Julie